Tips to Safely Trim Your Baby’s Nails

baby nail clipper to trim nails

If you get a decent sample size of parents and asked them how they trim their babies’ nails, some are likely to say they prefer biting the nails instead of using baby nail trimmers. This is likely because it is easier, and they feel more in control. However, experts warn that the germs in the mouth can easily be transferred to the baby’s fingers, resulting in infections. A baby-safe nail trimmer remains the best tool for clipping baby nails.

If you are concerned about nipping your child when clipping the nails, the following tips will help you safely care for your baby’s nails.

Use baby-safe nail trimmers.

A baby’s nail trimmer needs to be one of the things on your shopping list as you prepare for your baby’s arrival. Trimming your baby’s nails will soon become part of a grooming routine you will have to do frequently because his or her nails will keep growing.

Baby nail trimmers are specially made for baby nails with safety features to keep you from hurting your baby as you clip the nails. It has curved edges that limit how far you can go when clipping the nails, so your baby’s skin remains safe from the baby nail trimmers.

Choose the ideal time for trimming your baby’s nails.

Baby’s tend to wiggle and squirm when their nails are being clipped. This increases the possibility of you nipping your baby’s skin and causing him or her unnecessary pain. If your baby is uncomfortable with your grooming his or her nails when awake, you can opt to do when the baby is asleep.

Not only will you be able to work in peace, but you will do it much faster without all the movements. However, if your baby wakes up as you clip the nails, you should ensure you are holding the leg or hand firmly, so the sudden movement doesn’t cause you to hurt your baby.

Use a soft board to file the nails.

If baby nail trimming is not working out for you, you can consider filing the nails instead. However, this may not be too easy either because your baby’s nails may be too soft. Nail filing is especially difficult if you are working on a newborn because the nails are still too soft. Before you decide whether you should or shouldn’t file your baby’s nails, you should first find out if this will work or not. 

Keep your baby occupied.

If the risk of your baby awakening because you are working on his nails is something you wish to avoid, you should keep the baby busy when trimming his or her nails. When relaxed, you won’t need to worry about him or her clenching his fists, which is often the case when babies are alert. You can also time the nail trimming session to be at the moment when your bay is most relaxed. For example, you can clip the nails after his or her bath or after feeding.

These tips will help you to handle baby nail trimming sessions with no difficulty. Fortunately, as babies grow older, they become more accustomed to the grooming routines, so your early fears will indeed pass as you get more comfortable with your parental responsibilities.